Alexander the new SARU boss
The deadline for nominations for the position, vacated by Oregan Hoskins earlier this year, was Monday.
Alexander, the incumbent deputy president, was the only nomination.
However, there is set to be a battle royal for the position of deputy president.
Francois Davids (and executive council member) and Western Province boss Thelo Wakefield will go head to head.
Wakefield is also one of nomination for a position on the SARU executive council – in the event of Davids being elected as deputy president.
The four nominations for the executive council are Schalk Liebenberg (KwaZulu-Natal), Vivian Lottering (Falcons), Jan Marais (Griffons) and Wakefield.
The general council meeting – where Alexander will be confirmed as the new President and the elections will take place will take place for his deputy – will take place on Thursday, October 27.