Still Flooded
Flooded Earthworm continues his strong grip on first place in the rugby365 SuperBru pool.
In a top five that shows just one change Flooded (78.50 points) leads second-placed israkiwi by just 0.25 of a point.
In third place is Nafi (76.50), who moved up seven places and overtook tedsurf1950 (fourth, 76.00) and greg (75.00, firth).
Foeras won the yellow cap in this pool in this round.
On the rugby365 side it sill looks very bleak.
Quintin van Jaarsveld's 163rd position (61.00), after moving up 17 places) is the most 'respectable), while Michael de Vries (232, after dropping down 11 places – 57.50) and Jan de Koning (238, down 43 places – 57.25) continued their dramatic slides.
Darryn Pollock made some progress, improving nine places to 291 (51.50).
Competition details:
Pool name: rugby365
Pool code: tootdhow
rugby365 club: