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Kaplan's golden 50

On Saturday Jonathan Kaplan will run out onto great Murrayfield for his 50th Test, the first referee in the history of the game to do so. Often Murrayfield fires a salute of guns. There should be salutes for Jonathan Kaplan with a firing of guns and fireworks, a blast of trumpets and a skirl of bagpipes. It is a great achievement.

How does he feel about the occasion? “I am preparing for a Test match. It’s best not to make a great palaver bout it. I am focussing on the match, not any landmark. I am looking forward to the match and am excited – as excited as I have been for all the other 49 Tests. Murrayfield is a great venue, Scottish hospitality is great and though I have not before refereed this match, I have refereed both teams in the past and got on well with them. It may be a milestone but I am looking forward to going further along the road.”

To mark the occasion we have invited South Africa’s Test referees to have a say.

Obviously, generously, they are all thrilled at this great achievement and proud that he is one of them – a South African Test referee. clearly too they want this Test to me a milestone, not a finishing post.

We shall give them a chance to talk in the order that they are on the list of South Africa’s Test referees. The one furthest back on our list is Max Baise. He’s not nearly the oldest but he is the first on the list of living referees, the 29th of 64.

1. Max Baise

Max Baise and his cousin Solly Baise were travelling salesmen spending a night in Kroonstad. The local referees were having a meeting in the hotel and the Baises went to listen. They both became referees and both refereed Test matches.

Max refereed seven Tests altogether from 1967 to 1974, involving the Springboks and France, the 1968 Lions, Australia and the 1974 Lions.

Max says: The first time I saw Jonathan Kaplan refereeing he was a visiting referee from the Transvaal and did the main curtainraiser at Newlands – and Under-20 game. [That was in 1991.]

Afterwards I said to my wife Dorothy: “This guy will go far.”

He impressed me because he was so consistent in application and everybody wants consistency of a referee. We make mistakes, but we must be consistent. Consistency is one of Jonathan;’s biggest assets – that and control and the way he plays advantage.

A hearty mazeltov – and don’t stop. Carry on the good work.


2. Piet Robbertse

Piet Robbertse refereed four Tests between 1967 and 1970, involving the Springboks and France, Australia and New Zealand. He is the first unattached referee to referee a Currie Cup Final. That was in 1973, Northern Transvaal vs Orange Free State.

Piet later became the chairman of South African referees, the last elected to the position. He was chairman at the time of the unity and was the first chairman of SARFU’s referees.

Piet says: Veels geluk met hierdie grootse prestasie!! Dit is ‘n pluimpie ook in die hoed van Rugby Suid Afrika.

Wat my persoonlik baie vreugde en plesier verskaf is die feit dat jy nog een van my produkte was uit my dae as Voorsitter, jy en Mark Lawrence. Ek hou julle altyd met trots dop as ek julle, en veral jou standaard, meet teen die van die skeidsregters van Australië en Nieu Seeland. Jy staan kop en skouers bokant hulle uit. Hulle subjektiwiteit is hulle ondergang en ook die Ozzies en die All Blacks s’n in die drie nasies kompetisie, ek beweer dit speel ook ‘n groot rol in die onvermoë van die All Blacks in die wêreldbeker kompetisie, want daar kry hulle nie die beskerming wat die twee lande se skeidsregters aan hulle gee wanneer hulle teen die Springbokke speel nie.
Jou integriteit as skeidsregter moet te alle tye bo verdenking staan en dit is dan ook die rede waarom jy hierdie wonderlike mylpaal kon behaal. Nogmaals veels geluk en mag daar nog mooi jare, as skeidsregter, vir jou voorlê. 
Ons hou jou met trots dop.
Sterkte en voorspoed.
Piet Robbertse.

3. Bert Woolley

Bert who lives in Durban North takes along time about things. He turns 90 this year, has been married for 67 years and refereed his only Test at 51, the fourth between South Africa and New Zealand in 1970. He is an honorary vice-president of the Natal Rugby Union. Always remarkably fit, he still is, his mind as clear as can be.

Bert says: It is with great pleasure  I extend to you my heartiest congratulations on your appointment to your 50th rugby international – an honour well deserved to a grand referee. I commend you.

Regards – Bert Woolley

4. Gert Bezuidenhout

The All Blacks chose Gert three times in the 1976 series – Tests 2, 3 and 4. He also refereed three Currie Cup Finals, his last in 1978. Relevantly, he was the secretary of Transvaal referees in 19?? when Mrs Kaplan phoned him to inquire about becoming a referee.

Gert says:  Gert Bezuidenhout: His mother phoned me and spoke about  refereeing. She explained that she was not phoning for herself but for her son. That was  in 1984 when he was a 17-year-old schoolboy. I took him under my wing. He would go with me to matches when I was refereeing and I could make sure that the older men did not give him a hard time. I would take him one week and Ian Anderson the next.

I rather lost contact with him after he left Transvaal but I wrote to him for his first provincial match and his first  Super rugby match.

I congratulate him on a great achievement in a wonderful career.

5. Frans Muller

Fransie Muller refereed three Tests. His first, in 1982 involved the Springboks. The next referee to referee a Test involving the Springboks was Jonathan Kaplan in 2007. Fransie refereed two Tests in the Five Nations. He is at present the chairman of the Eastern Province referees’ Society and was an IRB assessor.

Fransie says: Jonathan started his refereeing career at a very young age and has proved that through hard work and perseverance he has become one of the best referees in the rugby world. He has also had his share of disappointments as at the 2003 World Cup but shook it off and did not let it keep him down. Jonathan, I applaud you for this achievement of your 50th Test Match and am proud of having the privilege of being able to work with you. Keep it up and best of luck for the FINAL in 2011.
Best regards
Fransie Muller

6. Gerrit Coetzer

Gerrit refereed one Test – Argentina against Uruguay in 1988. He played rugby for Free State and was the chairman of the Free State Referees’ Society when South African referees elected him as their chairman, till Louis Luyt disbanded the referees’ society. Gerrit remains active as an assessor.

Gerrit says: Best Jonathan

Congrats with the 50. 

I still remember the first time I saw you in Durbs as a referee. You were young and were just appearing on the scene. I was in Durban and spoke to you after the match, intending to give you some advice. You stood there with your hands in your pockets and had an answer for everything I said. So I told you I was wasting my time and you should get lost. Furthermore I said to you: “Where I come from young people do not speak to their elders with their hands in their pockets.” You shot your hands out of your pockets and apologised.

I have admired your refereeing ever since.

7. Tappe Henning

Tappe Henning refereed 14 Tests between 1995 and 2004 and a Currie Cup Final. He is now one of the International Rugby Board’s selectors and great presenter at referees’ courses.

Tappe says: Jonathan is known in the international refereeing arena as a big moment referee.  Jonathan will do this big moment proud as he has always done. This is a milestone for him and referees all over the world. It is a well deserved achievement for his commitment and endurance shown over the past 27 years as a referee.

As an Aussie commentator used to say ” Go, you good thing, go!”.

8. André Watson

When André Watson stopped refereeing, he had some great records, including two World Cup Finals, five Super rugby Finals and seven Currie Cup Finals. In all he refereed 27 Tests between 1996 and 2004, which made him Jonathan’s contemporary. André received an award from President Mbeki and an IRB award for services to refereeing and was recently inducted into South Africa’s Sporting Hall of Fame. At present he runs South African referees.

André says: A 50th Test for a referee is at least equivalent to 100 for a player. The reason I say so is that referees get 4/5 test match appointments a year whereas players get about 12. This just proves how long Jonathan has been around. I am immensely proud of him for reaching this milestone. What makes it more impressive is that he is at present totally on top of his game and no doubt one of the best referees in the world.

He has worked hard to reach the level he is refereeing at present and should be an example for aspiring referees.

I can think of no one more fitting that deserves to set this record. Jonny’s a legend and I salute him.

May he still grace the rugby fields of the world for a long time to come.

9. Johann Meuwesen

Johann Meuwesen became a Test referee when he was in Namibia. He subsequently migrated to Port Elizabeth and refereed a Test as a South African referee in 1998. He now concentrates on doing duty as a television match official, one of the International Rugby Board’s small group of specialist TMOs.

Johann says: My verbintenis met Jonathan het begin tydens die Weermagweek van 1994 in Bloemfontein.  Sedert daardie toernooi het ek die voorreg gehad om Jonathan baie goed te leer ken, op die rugbyveld sowel as van die veld af.  Selfs nagte wat ons in hotelkamers gesit en koffie drink het.  Saam kon ons al oor baie dinge filosofeer, maar ook baie grappe maak oor minder belangriker dinge. 

Die droom wat Jonathan gehad het oor rugby en die passie wat hy vir die spel het, word bewys deur die volgende:  Ek was eendag in ‘n vliegtuig in gesprek met ‘n ouerige dame wat langsaan my.  Die onderwerp was rugby en sy het gevra of ek ‘n Jonathan Kaplan ken.  Sy noem dit toe aan my dat sy hom al ontmoet het en dat hy ook ‘n skeidsregter is.  Maar wat sy altyd sal onthou, is dat hy gesê het dat hy nog die wêreld se beste gaan wees.  Wel, bykans 16 jaar later en ‘n mylpaal in wêreldrugby word Saterdag bereik.  Baie geluk met hierdie besondere prestasie, Jonathan.  Rugby salueer jou en mag jy die oomblik vir altyd koester.

10. Mark Lawrence

Like Jonathan, Mark is in the top panel of the International Rugby Board’s referees with over 20 Tests to his name since his first in 2000. Like Jonathan he has refereed Finals of Super rugby and the Currie Cup.

Mark says: 50 Not out! Congratulations on a remarkable achievement. We hope you have a memorable match and that the players will stand back and make you run on to the pitch, first, so that the spectators can give you a standing ovation on our behalf.

Wishing you all of the best.

Mark and Griselle Lawrence

11. Andy Turner

Andy Turner refereed nine Tests between 2000 and 2004 when he stopped refereeing to become the CEO of the Golden Lions RFU.

Andy says: Dear Kappers, Congratulation!! A 50 test game milestone couldn’t happen to a nicer end better ambassador for referees than you. In the years travelling with you as a fellow test ref, you professionalism on and off the field was something to be proud off. You are truly the No.1 ref in the world.

Enjoy the game, Kappers


12. Louis Mzomba

Louis Mzomba, a schoolmaster from Cape Town, is the first Xhosa-speaker to referee a Test and between 2001 and 2007 he refereed 10 Tests.

Louis says: Congratulation JK, you earned your innings. “One is never born great.

It is the determination and the action that make one great. Status is not achieved by chance, but by deliberate effort and labour.” Have a memorable 50th test match.

13. Craig Joubert

Like Jonathan Craig started refereeing at school and like Jonathan, Mark and Marius, he is in the top 16 of referees in the world. He has refereed 12 Tests since his first in 2003 when he was 25.

Craig says: JK, a significant milestone and number that was once thought to be unattainable. Your 50th test match this weekend is a tribute to your longevity at the very top level for the better part of the last decade. Your friendship and mentorship along the way has been appreciated and it has been a thrill to have been with you for some of these Test matches. Congrats on this achievement and here’s to many more.

Keep going, tjom!


14. Shaun Veldsman

Shaun Veldsman refereed three Tests in 2003 and 2004. He also refereed a Currie Cup Final before concentrating on the duties of a television match official. He is one of the International Rugby Board’s small group of TMOs. He starts talking to Jonathan as TMO to referee.
Shaun says: Jonathan…….  this  is  Shaun.  You  may  continue…..  to  referee  your  50th  test!! 

What  an  achievement? Not  many  of us  would  find  us  in  such  a  privilege  position  as  you.  Privilege  to  have  seen  the  world  and  to  referee  the  best  rugby games  in  the  world  from  the  best  seat  in  the  house!  Only  great  men  achieve  great  things  and  you  are  indeed  ONE  of  them.  Congrats,  tjomma,  and  enjoy  the  moment!

15. Willie Roos

Since refereeing his first Test in Gaberone in 2004 Willie has refereed nine Tests.

Willie says: Ek wil net vir Jonathan geluk sê met sy groot 50. Ek het die voorreg gehad om saam met Jonathan te blaas en saam met hom te toer.

Ek het baie van hom af geleer en kan sien hoekom hy nou die mees ervare toetsblaser in Wêreldrugby is.

“Geluk, Jonny, and well done, I am proud to say that you are a referee mate of mine”

Groete, Willie

16. JC Fortuin

His names are Jerome Christopher byt is usually called JC, a referee in three Tests in 2005-06.

JC says: I shared wonderful times with Jonathan Kaplan in South Africa and in Australasia. He did not beat about the bush when I had to learn  the mechanics of touring away from South Africa.  We became like brothers respecting and supporting each other. Jonathan is very passionate and serious about refereeing and I believe he deserves to be refereeing his 50th test. I will be supporting Jonathan as long as he is going and even after refereeing.

Go, tjoppie, I salute you.

17. Marius Jonker

Marius is one of four South Africans on the IRB’s panel of top referees in the world and has refereed 16 Tests since his first in Kampala in 2005. A week after Jonathan’s Murrayfield Test Marius will be at Twickenham to referee the Calcutta Cup match, the second time he has refereed this, the oldest of all Test matches.

Marius says: A great moment for a great referee and friend!

I have been privileged to be part of some rather interesting events on his way to Number 50. “Omkeer nou.” Enjoy it, tjoppie, and well done!

18. Pro Legoete

Pro is a nickname; his real name is Lesego Legoete and he is South Africa’s most recent Test referee, the 64th of 64, refereeing two Tests in 2008. His first was between Romania and Uruguay in Bucharest in 2008

Pro says: Firstly, congrats JK, you deserves it!
Secondly, he is forever setting new standards and this will definitely be a hard act to follow.
Regards, Pro


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