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Refs for ECC, Rounds 5 & 6

The European rugby Cup has announced the referees for Rounds 5 & 6 of the European Cup. It is noteworthy that Joël Jutge is making a comeback to refereeing after a long layoff.

The referees’ appointments are drawn up by the ERC referees’ selectors – Rob Yeman (Wales), Joël Dumé (France) and Roy McCombe (Scotland) from the European 2008/09 referees’ panel. The ERC Match Officials sub-committee made up of Referee Managers from the six Unions of the participating teams review and confirm the final appointments.

Round 5

15 – 18 January 2009

Pool 1
Dax vs Rovigo    
Referee: Greg Garner (England)

London Irish vs Connacht    
Referee: Andy McPherson (Scotland)

Pool 2
Montpellier vs Northampton Saints   
Referee: Peter Allan (Scotland) 

Toulon vs Bristol     
Referee: Neil Paterson (Scotland)

Pool 3
Petrarca vs Bourgoin   
Referee: David Wilkinson (Ireland)

Worcester Warriors vs Bucuresti Oaks  
Referee: Patrick Pechambert (France)

Pool 4
Newcastle Falcons vs Brive    
Referee: Colin Stanley (Ireland) 

Overmach Parma vs El Salvador   
Referee: John Paul Doyle (England)

Pool 5
Bayonne vs Mont-de-Marsan   
Referee: Alan Falzone (Italy)

Saracens vs Viadana    
Referee: Jérôme Garces (France)

Round 6

22-25 January 2009

Pool 1
Connacht vs Dax    
Referee: Neil Paterson (Scotland)

Rovigo vs London Irish   
Referee: Joël Jutge (France)

Pool 2
Northampton Saints vs Toulon   
Referee: Tim Hayes (Wales)

Bristol vs Montpellier   
Referee: Alan Falzone (Italy)

Pool 3
Worcester Warriors vs Petrarca   
Referee: Pascal Gauzere (France)

Bourgoin vs Bucuresti Oaks    
Referee: Paolo Ventura (Italy)

Pool 4
Brive vs Overmach Parma    
Referee: Rob Debney (England)  

El Salvador vs Newcastle Falcons   
Referee: David Rosich (France)

Pool 5
Mont-de-Marsan vs Saracens   
Referee: John Lacey (Ireland) 

Viadana vs Bayonne     
Referee: JP Doyle (England)


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