WRWC: Round 3 Referees
The three pool winners and the best loser will make up the four semifinalists.
The pool winners are not decided.
The teams have played two matches and that means that the maximum of points they could have is 10.
In Pool A, New Zealand has 10, Canada 9
In Pool B, England and the USA each have 10.
In Pool C, France has 10 points, Ireland eight.
Of the remaining six teams, only Australia has a point. None of them will make the fourth spot in the semifinals but all three of the matches between New Zealand and Canada, England and the USA, France and Ireland are crucial.
There are nine referees at the Women's World Cup and each will have refereed two matches by the end of the 18 pool matches. Then there are the last three matches in Belfast where merit will out.
Round 3 Appointments
Canada vs New Zealand at Billings Park, University College Dublin
Referee: Alhambra Nievas (Spain)
Assistant referees: Cwengile Jadezweni (South Africa), Hollie Davidson (Scotland)
Television match official: Kevin Beggs (Ireland)
England vs USA vs at Billings Park, University College Dublin
Referee: Joy Neville (Ireland)
Assistant referees: Tim Baker (Hong Kong), Marie Lematte (France)
Television match official: Simon McDowell (Ireland)
Italy vs Spain at University College Dublin Bowl
Referee: Sara Cox (England)
Assistant referees: Ian Tempest (England), Rose LaBrèche (Canada)
Television match official: Kevin Beggs (Ireland)
Australia vs Japan at Billings Park, University College Dublin
Referee: Claire Hodnett (England)
Assistant referees: Cwengile Jadezweni (South Africa), Hollie Davidson (Scotland)
Television match official: David Grashoff (England)
Wales vs Hong Kong at University College Dublin Bowl
Referee: Sean Gallagher (Ireland)
Assistant referees: Aimee Barrett-Theron (South Africa), Beatrice Benvenuti (Italy)
Television match official: Simon McDowell (Ireland)
France vs Ireland at University College Dublin Bowl
Referee: Graham Cooper (Australia)
Assistant referees: Ian Tempest (England), Rose LaBrèche (Canada)
Television match official: David Grashoff (England)