Reaction to the quick throw suggestion
Late last week Peter Shortell sent us some thoughts on the proposed change to the quick throw-in which would allow the throw to travel back, not just straight.
Paul Hunt writes:
I think that the quick throw-in itself borders on bad sportsmanship and should be limited to real opportunists and should pressure the team throwing in. Such a play is trying to snatch an undeserved advantage that negates the hard work of the opponents in securing the touch, the players who make the effort to get to the mark and the work of the forwards in developing set plays.
Sure it might make the game quicker for TV, but If you don’t like forward set-pieces (that goes for scrums too) then go play Rugby League or soccer or some other tosh sport. More often than not there is significant lee-way in terms of straight throw before the line-out is set up, so maybe some clarification rather than the abandonment of the current laws is needed to make refereeing fair and consistent.
[The original can be seen at:,18881,3941_2601411,00.html)