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Technical Zone Protocol

The International Rugby Board has produced a slightly changed protocol for the technical zone, the area where non-playing team officials must be if they are within the playing enclosure.

The only change is to 2.a. The protocol now specifies that the head coach is not allowed to run onto the field with water. Other coaching staff are allowed to be water-carriers. Unlike doctors and physios, as defined in 2.c and 2.d, the water-carrying coach is not allowed to roam.

IRB’s Technical Zone Protocol

1] Dimensions of the Technical Zone

a. For International Matches two technical zones shall be provided within the playing enclosure on the same side of the pitch, each one on either side of the half-way line and outside the field-of-play.

b. These technical zones must be marked on the ground.

c. The line nearest the touch-line must be parallel to the touch-line.

d. The technical zones commence a minimum five metres from the half-way line. The technical zones must not exceed ten metres in length and three metres in width and must not be less than two metres from the touch-line.

e. Wherever practically possible the zones should be behind advertising hoardings with easy access to the field of play.

2] Personnel permitted in the Technical Zone

a. No more than two medically trained persons (certified doctors or physiotherapists only) and two water-carriers (who may not be the head coach) per team are permitted to operate from the technical zones.

b. No other person (or players) is permitted in the technical zones.

c. One of the medically trained personnel permitted to operate from the technical zone, as listed in (a) above, may be positioned on the far side of the playing area on the touch-line opposite the technical zone.

d. The second medically trained personnel permitted to operate from the technical zone as listed in (a) above may be positioned on the near side of the playing area on the touch-line. The two medically trained personnel may not be together on one touch-line.

e. Where practically possible the medical personnel must stay outside the advertising hoardings. The medical personnel may keep up with play, but must pay due regard to the needs and rights of players, match officials, spectators, broadcasters and commercial partners.

f. The medical personnel may enter the field of play in accordance with Law at any time a player is injured. They must not obstruct, interfere or aim comments at match officials.

3] Roles of personnel in the Technical Zone

a. Water may be taken on the field only during stoppages in play for injuries in the playing area and when a try has been scored.

b. The two water-carriers are not permitted in the playing area during penalty kicks at goal.

c. The water-carriers must remain in the technical zone at all times unless they enter the playing area to provide water or when ONE enters to provide a kicking tee to a kicker at a penalty kick.

d. Players may come to the touch-line adjacent to the technical zone to receive water.

e. Water bottles must not be thrown on to the field of play.

4] Management of the Technical Zone

a. All personnel permitted in the technical zones must have some distinguishing mark, e.g. arm bands/vests.

b. The fourth and fifth officials will manage the technical zones. If there is a transgression of the protocol, the matter will be reported to the match referee.

c. The match referee may caution any offender or at his discretion expel the person(s) from the playing enclosure for any breach of the protocol.

d. Any breach of the protocol may be reported to the Designated Disciplinary Official who shall be entitled to undertake investigations and lodge Misconduct Complaints pursuant to IRB Regulation 17.21 [See below] against the Union(s) and/or person(s) concerned.

e. Should any person be expelled from the playing enclosure for a breach of the protocol they must be reported by the match referee to the Designated Disciplinary Official, who shall be entitled to undertake investigations and lodge Misconduct Complaints pursuant to IRB Regulation 17.21 [See below] against the Union(s) and/or person(s) concerned.

5] Personnel outside of the Technical Zone

a. The replacement bench and the location of the coaches should, wherever possible, be outside the playing enclosure.

b. If replacements require to warm-up and there is not an area outside the playing enclosure, they may warm-up in the opposition in-goal area but must not use balls or any other rugby equipment in their warm-up. Balls and hit shields may be used where there is a designated warm-up area away from the in-goal area. All other equipment for the purposes of warm-up must only be used outside the playing enclosure or another designated area away from the playing enclosure.

The playing enclosure is defined as per the Definitions Section of Law 1 (The Ground) [See below].

6] Players temporarily suspended

a. When a player has been temporarily suspended (sin-binned) that player is to be situated in the designated sin bin area and must remain there for the duration of the Temporary Suspension with the exception of 6.c.

b. The player may be given water and the provision of warm clothing. If halftime occurs during the sin bin period the player may go to his team’s changing room but must return directly to the sin bin for the remaining time of his suspension when the second half resumes.

c. A one minute warm-up period is permitted prior to the temporarily suspended player returning to the field of play.

7] Management of Protocol

a. The management of this Protocol will be the responsibility of the Number 4 and 5 officials or by the appointed Match Commissioner or Match Manager.


The Ground is the total area shown on the plan. The Ground includes:

The Field of play is the area (as shown on the plan) between the goal lines and the touchlines. These lines are not part of the field of play.

The Playing Area is the field of play and the in-goal areas (as shown on the plan). The touchlines, touch-in-goal lines and dead ball lines are not part of the playing area.

The Playing Enclosure is the playing area and a space around it, not less than 5 metres where practicable, which is known as the perimeter area.

17.21 Misconduct

17.21.1 Unions are responsible and accountable for the conduct of their Players, officials and all Persons under their jurisdiction. Unions, Players and Persons must conduct themselves in a disciplined and sporting manner and ensure that they do not commit an act or acts or Misconduct.

For the purposes of this Regulation, Misconduct shall mean any conduct, behaviour or practices on or off the playing enclosure in connection with an International Match, International Tour or International Tournament (excluding Foul Play during a Match) that is unsporting and/or unruly and/or ill-disciplined and/or that brings or has the potential to bring the
sport of Rugby Union, the IRB and/or its commercial partners into disrepute.

17.21.2 It is not possible to provide a definitive and exhaustive list of the types of conduct, behaviour, statements or practices that may amount to Misconduct under these Regulations. By way of illustration, each of the following types of conduct is an example of Misconduct:

(a) acts of violence or intimidation within the Venue in which the Match is being played including (without limitation) the tunnel, changing rooms and/or warm-up areas;

(b) acting in an abusive, insulting, intimidating or offensive manner towards referees, touch judges or other officials or any person associated with the Union’s participating in the Match or spectators;

(c) acts or statements that are or conduct that is discriminatory by reason of religion, race, sex, colour or national or ethnic origin;

(d) seeking or accepting any bribe or other benefit to fix a Match, International Tour, International Tournament or series of Matches or to achieve a contrived outcome to a Match, International Tour, International Tournament or series of Matches or to otherwise influence improperly the outcome of any dimension of aspect of any Match, Tour, Tournament or series of Matches;

(e) entering into any wager, bet or form of financial speculation, directly or indirectly as to the result of any other dimension or aspect of any International Match, International Tour and/or International Tournament or series of Matches in which the Person is directly or indirectly involved and/or connected with;

(f) providing inaccurate and/or misleading information about previous disciplinary record in any proceedings under this Regulation or other disciplinary proceedings and/or misleading information concerning the Player’s future playing intentions;

(g) any other breach of Regulation 20 (Code of Conduct) of the IRB Regulations Relating to the Game;

(h) comments and/or conduct in connection with current and/or anticipated disciplinary proceedings and/or match officiating (or any aspect thereof), which may be prejudicial to and/or impact on current and/or anticipated disciplinary proceedings and/or which are prejudicial to the interests of the game and/or any Person.


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