WRWC: Refs for Round 2
She and assistant referee, Cwengile Jadezweni, are the only match officials at the Women's World Cup whose country is taking part. They are both members of the Western Province Referees' Society.
Aimee Barrett-Theron refereed the opening match of the tournament when England played Spain
The matches in Round 2 are again all in Dublin, using the facilities of the University College of Dublin.
The main match is between France and Australia. They are both strong sides. In the first round, France hammered Japan while Australia just lost to the eager Irish. This Sunday's match could just be the closest – and most physical – of the day.
Women's Rugby World Cup, Round 2
Match officials
New Zealand vs Hong Kong at Billings Park, UCD
Referee: Sara Cox (England)
Assistant referees: Graham Cooper (Australia), Marie Lematte (France)
Television match official: Kevin Beggs (Ireland)
England vs Italy at Billings Park, UCD
Referee: Tim Baker (Hong Kong)
Assistant referees: Joy Neville (Ireland), Hollie Davidson (Scotland)
Television match official: Simon McDowell (Ireland)
USA vs Spain at UCD Bowl
Referee: Claire Hodnett (England)
Assistant referees: Cwengile Jadezweni (South Africa), Beatrice Benvenuti (Italy)
Television match official: David Grashoff (England)
Canada vs Wales at Billings Park, UCD
Referee: Sean Gallagher (Ireland)
Assistant referees: Graham Cooper (Australia), Marie Lematte (France)
Television match official: Simon McDowell (Ireland)
Ireland vs Japan at UCD Bowl
Referee: Ian Tempest (England)
Assistant referees: Alhambra Nievas (Spain), Rose LaBrèche (Canada)
Television match official: David Grashoff (England)
France vs Australia at UCD Bowl
Referee: Aimee Barrett-Theron (South Africa)
Assistant referees: Cwengile Jadezweni (South Africa), Beatrice Benvenuti (Italy)
Television match official: Kevin Beggs (Ireland)
Results, Round 1
Pool A
New Zealand vs Wales, 44-12
Canada vs Hong Kong, 98-0
Pool B
England vs Spain, 56-5
USA vs Italy, 24-12
Pool C
Ireland vs Australia, 19-7
France vs Japan, 72-14
Fixtures, Round 3 – 17 August 2017
Canada vs New Zealand at Billings Park, University College Dublin
England vs USA vs at Billings Park, University College Dublin
Italy vs Spain at University College Dublin Bowl
Australia vs Japan at Billings Park, University College Dublin
Wales vs Hong Kong at University College Dublin Bowl
France vs Ireland at University College Dublin Bowl