Champion of Champions Pool Results
The 12 teams, divided into four pools, each played two matches on the afternoon of Friday, 20 October 2017, the opening day.
Pool A: Paul Roos, Westville, Noordheuwel.
Pool B: Glenwood, Diamantveld, Montana.
Pool C: Rustenburg, Goudveld, Brandwag (Bennie).
Pool D: DHS, Waterkloof, Merensky
Pool Results
DHS vs Merensky, 31-14
Glenwood vs Diamantveld, 35-7
Goudveld vs Brandwag, 33-21
Goudveld vs Rustenburg, 17-10
Montana vs Diamantveld, 19-14
Montana vs Glenwood, 24-19
Paul Roos vs Noordheuwel, 31-5
Paul Roos vs Westville, 17-5
Rustenburg vs Brandwag, 17-0
Waterkloof vs Merensky, 22-0
Waterkloof vs DHS, 33-26
Westville vs Noordheuwel, 21-14
Cup Quarterfinals
Paul Roos vs Glenwood
Montana vs Westville
Goudveld vs DHS
Waterkloof vs Rustenburg
Bowl Semifinals
Noordheuwel vs Diamantveld
Brandwag vs Merensky