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Maritzburg College, Day 2

Easter Monday was the second day of the Maritzburg College Rugby Festival, celebrating the 150th birthday of the famous school

Wedstryd 1: Monuyment (Monnas) vs Rondebosch, 14-5

Die wedstryd het afgeskop met Rondebosch wat van die begin af geweldig baie druk op Monument geplaas het en in die eerste 10 minute was al die spel in Monument se halfgebied.

Rondebosch het verskeie strafskoppe gekry vir hulle wat binne trefaftand was, maar elke keer lyn toe gemik. Hanteerfoute het hul in die steek gelaat.

Die stut, K Whyte het gaan druk na ‘n dryfmaalbeweging vanaf ‘n lynstaan na nog ‘n strafskop teen Monument. Die verdoelskop was mis en die telling 5-0 vir Rondebosch.

Monument het van die afskop af meer beheer begin kry en vir ‘n goeie tydperk op Rondebosch se doellyn geboer. Na ‘n strafskop wat ‘n lynstaangeleentheid vir Monnas geskep het, het die agtsteman, W Jacobs oorgeduik van ‘n dryfmaalbeweging. Die senter, G van der Walt het verdoel om aan Monument die eerste keer die voortou te geem met die telling op 5-7 in Monnas se guns.

Monument het kort na hul eerste oorgegaan vir hul tweede na die agtsteman, Jacobs, in die hoekie gaan druk het na goeie fases aanmekaar gesit is. Van der Walt het die drie vanuit die hoekieverdoel om die telling teen halftyd 5-14 in Monument se guns te maak.

Die tweede helfte het albei skole gereeld kanse weggegooi en geen span kon enige punte toevoegings tot die telbord maak nie.

Die eindtelling 5-14 in Monument se guns.

Deur Wim Pretorius

Maritzburg College Report

The opening game on day two of the FNB Maritzburg College 150th Rugby Festival on the Goldstones ground Monday saw the big Monument side given a massive workout by Rondebosch.

The first 15 minutes were dominated by Rondebosch, loosehead Kyle Whyte getting the first try around the quarter-hour mark (5-0). Then a lovely break by Rondebosch outside centre Matthew Steel was shut down by excellent Monument defence.

The lighter Rondebosch pack stood up well to their heavier opponents , but a tap kick after the Capetonians collapsed a maul saw Monument maul over successfully this time, with impressive number eight Wian Jacobs on the end of it. Centre Gerdus van der Walt converted (7-0).

On half-time a drive downfield by Monument tighthead Gunther Janse van Vuuren saw the ball worked back and Jacobs was again the man who crossed the whitewash, while Van der Walt added the two points for the 14-5 half-time lead.

The second half saw plenty in the way of good rugby but the scoreline was to remain unchanged.

By Jonathan Cook

Wedstryd 2: Dale vs KZN Development, 43-0

Die wedstryd het afgeskop met Dale College wat die bal vanuit elke hoek wou hardloop. Hulle is beloon met ‘n strafskop wat die buitesenter, P Nompandana oorgeklits het, om die telling 3-0 te maak vir Dale College.

Kort daarna was die KZN span op die doellyn van Dale, maar ‘n hanteerfout het veroorsaak dat die bal losgespat het. Die blitsige Dale vleuel, B Mvolontshi, het die bal geskop en goed opgevolg. Die bons was reg en in sy hande in wat hom toegelaat het om onder die pale te kan druk. Die drie is verdoel deur Nompanada en Dale 10-0 voor.

Die Dale stut, B Ponono, het kort daarna met ‘n dryfmaalbeweging oorgeduik en Nompandane het verdoel om die telling 17-0 te maak vir Dale.

Dale se buitesenter, het ‘n goeie dag beleef, en ‘n briljante individuele drie gaan druk waar hy verskeie spelers gesystap het om oor te duik. Hy het sy eie drie verdoel en die telling was 24-0 in Dale se guns.

Die telling het tot halftyd dieselfde gebly.

Die tweede helfte het begin met Dale wat sukkel om hul ritme van die eerste helfte te vind. Howel daar verskeie belowende bewegings was, het hantering hul in die steek gelaat.

Dale het ‘n skrum op KZN se doellyn gekry en na na goeie spel deur die agterlyn het die vleuel, L Kenene gaan druk. Die doelskop was mis en die telling 29-0 in Dale se guns.

Dale het nader aan die einde weer hul ritme gevind en die buitesenter, Nompandana, is oor vir sy tweede wat hy ook verdoel het om die telling 36-0 te maak.

Die manne van Dale het die wedstryd op ‘n hoë noot afgesluit toe die ander vleuel, L Mudvova ook gaan druk het, met Nompandana wat verdoel het om die eindtelling 43-0 in Dale se guns te maak.

Deur Wim Pretorius

Maritzburg College Report

This was an enjoyable, light-hearted affair that saw Dale win at a canter against a spirited Development XV that refused to give up and enjoyed some exciting yet ultimately fruitless passages of play into the bargain.

Dale ran the ball imaginatively from all corners and talented outside centre Sibahle Maxwane had a field day with ball in hand and off the boot.

Maxwane banged over a penalty in the 12th minute before Buntu Ponono scored Dale’s first try, which Maxwane converted.

Maxwane went on to score three fine tries of his own, Kungawe Sikenjana and Somila Jho getting the others.

In all, Maxwane scored three tries, kicked five conversions and one penalty for a personal tally of 28 points.

Wedstryd 3: Jeppe vs Queen's College, 20-12

Jeppe het afgeskop met ‘n sterk wind wat teen hulle gewaai het, maar het glad nie dat dit hulle onderkry nie. Die Jeppe heelagter, S. Sibande, het sy span vroeg in die wedstryd laat voorloop met 3-0 na ‘n strafskop.

Jeppe het baie druk op Queen's geplaas en die vleuel, S. Nkosi, het ‘n pragdrie gaan druk waar hy deur verskeie verdedigers gesuiker het om onder die pale te druk. Sibande het verdoel om Jeppe 10-0 voor te laat loop.

Queen's het terug geslaan met ‘n drie deur die losskakel, S. Bolze, wat ook verdoel het om Queen's binne trefafstand te bring met die telling op 10-7 in Jeppe se guns.

Jeppe het egter dadelik terug geslaan met ‘n drie deur die agtsteman, D. Hill. Die heelagter, Sibande, het verdoel. 17-7 in Jeppe se guns.

Dit was ook die haftydtelling.

Die tweede helfte het Jeppe eerste punte op die bord gekry deur middel van ‘n strafskop deur die heelagter, S. Sibande om die voorsprong tot 20-7 te vergroot.

Queen's se reuse flank, T. Sam, het gaan druk na hy sy pad oopgestamp het en Jeppe nie kon keer nie. Die doelskop was mis en die telling 20-12 in Jeppe se guns.

Eindtelling 20-12 vir Jeppe.

Deur Wim Pretorius

Maritzburg College Report

Queen's College lost 27-13 to Affies while Jeppe went down 24-16 to Noord-Kaap on the opening day of the FNB Maritzburg College 150th Rugby Festival on Saturday, so there was everything to play for in game three Monday.

Jeppe opened the scoring through a penalty goal by fullback Sandile Sibande (3-0). Then it was the turn of right wing Sibusiso Nkosi to get into the action with a top try after he broke through the line for Sibande to convert (10-0).

Queen's came back with a vengeance and the ball went through a series of attacks that had Jeppe pinned on their line. Fittingly it was the silky touch of captain and flyhalf Simon Bolze who had the last hand on the ball to go over near the right-hand corner (10-5).

The pivot then employed his trusty boot to stroke over the conversion to put the Queen'stown lads within three points of parity (10-7).

But for the 155-year-old Queen'stown, Eastern Cape institution the joy was short-lived as Jeppe patiently worked the ball up and ultimately it was lively number eight Denzil Hill who broke away from a maul, exploiting the blind side to eventually go over untouched under the posts. Jeppe fullback Sandile Sibande added the extra two points with nonchalant ease (17-7).

Changing over with the strong north-easterly wind in their favour at last, Jeppe’s 17-7 half-time lead would prove difficult to overturn, particularly with the comfort of a stronger pack at their disposal.

Jeppe maintained control of territory and much of the possession but in fullback Siphu Zaula, Queen's had an imaginative, nimble-footed runner who was unafraid to take on defenders. However, the number 15 was eventually closed down after a number of attacking sorties from the back.

Jeppe finally converted territory and possession into more points when left winger Vincent Dlamini slotted a relatively easy penalty goal (20-7).

Big Jeppe replacement forward Cole de Jager was sin-binned for an offence near the replacement benches on halfway line and Queen's took full advantage when replacement forward Uhuru Vanda broke free from a scrum of bodies to breach the tryline (20-12).

Right at the death the Jeppe pack mounted a series of drives near the Queen's tryline but the spirited Eastern Cape lads held out for the final score to read: Jeppe 20 Queen's 12.


By Jonathan Cook

Wedstryd 4: Noord-Kaap  vs Maritzburg College, 24-24

Die gasheerskool het die wedstryd ingegaan na ‘n wen oor Grey (PE) op dag 1. Noord-Kaap het egter van die begin af soos die beter span gelyk met goeie dryf en hardlooprugby.

Noord-Kaap het eerste op die bord gekom nadat die flank, N Graaff gaan druk het. Die doelskop was mis. Telling: 5-0 vir Noord-Kaap.

Maritzburg het kort daarna terug geslaan met ‘n strafskop deur die losskakel, J Koekemoer, om die telling  5-3 vir Noord-Kaap te maak.

Noord-Kaap het hul tweede gaan druk na ‘n goeie lopie. Die keer was dit die slot, L Muller. Die doelskop is oorgesit deur die losskakel, D Tieties om die telling 12-3 vir Noord-Kaap te maak.

Maritzburg het net voor haftyd teruggeslaan met ‘n goeie lynstaandryf wat die haker, V Khatide, en die buitesenter, M. Coetzee het verdoel om die halftydtelling 12-10 in Maritzburg se guns te maak.

Die tweede helfte het begin met Maritzburg op die aanval. Hulle het amper die voortou geneem, maar hantering het hul in die steek gelaat.

Na ‘n goeie breekslag deur Noord-Kaap het Maritzburg se vleuel ‘n gevaarlike duikslag op ‘n Noord-Kaap speler uitgevoer reg voor die doellyn. Hy is met ‘n geelkaart afgestuur.

Noord-Kaap het van die geleentheid gebruik gemaak en die vleuel, L Becker het gaan druk. Die doelskop was mis en Noord-Kaap 17-10 voor.

Maritzburg het ‘n strafdrie gekry na ‘n speler van Noord-Kaap die bal doelbewys uit ‘n speler van Maritzburg se hande geslaan het op die doellyn. Coetzee het verdoel om die telling 17-17 te maak met 15 minute se speeltyd oor.

Die laaste 10 minute het briljante rugby van albei spanne opgelewer en nog “n drie vir Maritzburg College het die voortou aan hlle besorg met slegs ‘n paar minute oor. Coetzee het verdoel om die telling 24-17 in Maritzburg se guns te swaai.

Reg voor die einde het Noord-Kaap deur gebreek en oorgeduik vir ‘n drie. Die doelskop deur Tieties was suksesvol en die telling 24-24.

Albei spanne het verbete probeer om die wenpunte aan te teken, maar kon nie deur die verdediging kom nie.

Eindtelling 24-24.

Deur Wim Pretorius

Maritzburg College Report

The match exploded when Noord-Kaap took the ball wide and left at speed but College wingers Lindo Ngcobo (right) and BJ Ngwenya (left) snuffed out the threat in a corner flag gang tackle. The relief was short-lived as powerful Noord-Kaap flanker Nico Graaff smashed over soon after (5-0).

The big question was whether College could find the energy to put together another stirring physical and mental effort as was so in evidence during their epic 18-10 win over the fancied Grey High School team in Saturday’s main match.

It was immediately evident that the heart was in the right place and the bodies appeared more than willing, but playing into the wind in the first half was always going to be difficult.

Noord-Kaap centre Henry van Zyl’s 45-metre penalty sailed just wide – and the rugby gods smiled on College once again when Van Zyl dropped a pass from right wing Leon Becker with nothing but the tryline in front of him.

The crowd erupted when College broke from deep and the ball went through seven pairs of hands before the move was stopped by desperate Noord-Kaap defence. The world’s number one referee, Maritzburg College old boy Craig Joubert, awarded the red, black and white a penalty, which Marcel Coetzee converted (5-3).

However, Noord-Kaap still had the edge and rangy lock forward and vice-captain Lehan Muller drove over soon after – and this time Van Zyl made no mistake (12-3).

It was vital that College score before the half-time break and so they did, mauling over the line in textbook fashion, number eight Darryn Goodsen emerging with the ball. Coetzee converted with aplomb, the score reading 12-10 to Noord-Kaap at the changeover.

The stern words of College head coach Ryan Strudwick and consultant Kevin Smith just before the seven-pointer had worked a treat and it was now up to the red, black and white to produce more of the same in the second half.

College scrumhalf Lukas Booysen broke free and the crowd anticipated more joy but Noord-Kaap survived. Then the Kimberley lads’  right wing Leon Becker appeared all but through a few plays later, only to be the object of a magnificent try-saving tackle by his smaller but supremely courageous counterpart, BJ Ngwenya.

However, Ngwenya was sin-binned a little later and Becker had the last say for his side’s third touchdown (17-10).

College dredged up one last smidgeon of courage and took the ball right, only for a deliberate Noord-Kaap tap-down of what would have been the try-scoring pass. Referee Joubert immediately awarded a penalty try, which Coetzee converted for the scoreboard to signal 17-17.

And there was a huge roar not long after when College right wing Lindo Ngcobo finished off a fine move under the posts. Coetzee’s conversion took College into a 24-17 lead but Noord-Kaap were not done yet and flanker Luaan Dowie crashed over under the crossbar. Flyhalf Guillermo Minnie converted for this thrill-a-minute match to end 24-24.

By Jonathan Cook

Wedstryd 5: Affies vs Grey PE, 31-3

In die hoofwedstryd van die dag het twee groot rugbyreuse teen mekaar te staan gekom.

Die wedstryd het afgeskop met Grey wat direk ‘n geelkaart gekry het na ‘n speler vir ‘n speler van Affies in die lug probeer duik het.

Kort hierna het Affies egter ook ‘n geelkaart gekry na ‘n gevaarlike duikslag op ‘n Grey speler.

Grey het die geleentheid gebruik om pale toe te mik en die losskakel, K Vers, het verdoelom Grey 3-0 te laat voorloop.

Affies het egter dadelik terug geslaan en ‘n goeie drie deur die losskakel, D Hendricks, nadat hy in Grey se gebied op ‘n los bal gespring het. I van Zyl het verdoel om die telling 7-3 in Affies se guns te swaai.

Die manne van Pretoria het doelgerig gespeel en ‘n goeie drie deur die linker vleuel, Thys van Wyk, het Affies se voorsprong na 12-3 vergroot na die doelskop mis was.

Die telling het so gebly tot halftyd.

Die Wit Bulle van Pretoria het die tweede helfte teen ‘n vinnige spoed begin en die agtsteman, J Slabbert, het oorgeduik om die telling 19-3 te maak na Van Zyl verdoel het.

Grey High het Affies se lynstane baie ontwrig, maar kon nie dit in punte omskep nie. Affies se lynstane het gereeld onder skewe ingooie gely.

Affies se kookwaterflank, D Bezuidenhout het sy naam ook op die telbord toegevoeg na ‘n drie van sy eie.  Die doelskop was mis en die telling 24-3 in Affies se guns.

Die verskil was egter dat Affies se verdediging rotsvas was en met ‘n gevaarlike agterlyn het hulle Grey laat les opsê toe Affies se SA-Skole buitesenter, Jurie Linde, ‘n ongelooflike drie gaan druk het waar hy sy hakskene vir verskeie Grey-verdedigers gewys het en goed 40meter gehardloop het om te gaan druk. Van Zyl het die 2 punte by gevoeg en Affies was 31-3 voor.

Grey het nie antwoorde gehad nie, maar krediet moet aan hul slotpaar, V Moss en T Ngugudo, gaan wat Affies laat sukkel het om hul eie bal te wen in die lynstane.

Affies se skrumskakel, Ivan van Zyl het man van die wedstryd gekry na ‘n hy goeie dag beleef het waar hy gereeld verdedigers aan die raai gehad het.

Eindtelling 31-3

Deur Wim Pretorius

Maritzburg College Report

The immense meaning that this match had for both teams was amplified in the opening minutes when both teams had players banished to the sin-bin by referee Andrew Nicholson for over-robust play.

Grey flyhalf Richie Bryant opened the scoring with a straightforward penalty goal (3-0) before Affies flyhalf Dale Hendricks touched down under the sticks for an opportunistic try that halfback partner Ivan van Zyl turned into a seven-pointer (7-3).

The game was now on and the immensely talented Jurie Linde carved Grey open to allow winger Tiaan Schmulian to do the honours in the corner (12-3).

With the classy Affies team leading 12-3 as the second half started, Grey had a massive task on their hands, and it was made even harder when Affies flank Derik Bezuidenhout nailed a touchdown, which was converted by scrumhalf Van Zyl (19-3).

Grey put in an enormous effort and deserved a try or two in this intensely physical encounter that saw tempers flaring at times, but Affies found the extra gear when needed.

Bezuidenhout added a second try before the twinkle-toed Linde carved a try of his own, and Van Zyl converted once for the final score to read a somewhat flattering 31-3. But there was never really a doubt that this match was going the way of the fabled Wit Bulle of Pretoria.

The final day’s action in this FNB Maritzburg College 150th Rugby Festival, the highlight of the school’s 150th Winter Sports Festival, begins Wednesday at 9 am.

The Husqvarna Skonk Nicholson Rugby Festival for U16 and U14 teams from all across the country takes place Friday and Saturday, and is the third and final leg of the Maritzburg College 150th Winter Sports Festival.

By Jonathan Cook

Wednesday’S Fixtures

09.00: Dale vs Affies

10.20: Grey vs KZN Development XV

11.40: Rondebosch vs Jeppe

13.00: Monnas vs Noord-Kaap

14.20: Queen's vs Maritzburg College.



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